Now that you�ve seen the �core�
StarMurals designs it�s time to see my more exotic StarMurals.
All of the design concepts presented on this page and the pages
linked from here, are my original designs�I am the only artist in
the world creating these beautiful masterpieces in high-end phosphorescents.
First is my
StarMurals Day & Night Sky™…just like in real
life, your daytime sky evolves to a beautiful night sky…and
back again in the morning. First we establish the sky blue background,
then I airbrush in the clouds to complete the day sky mural.
Next I create a special invisible night sky on top of the visible
day sky…the end result is very special.
Now let’s
take a journey from Earth to deep space to see the unlimited variety
available in your special StarMural.
I call this one StarMurals Incoming™. If you like
the effect of my moving shooting stars, you’ll love
this one. Incoming is a super dynamic meteor shower, featuring
up to dozens of incoming meteors; plenty of stars and
a view of our own Milky Way…this one is great on
a wall or a ceiling and wall combination.
StarMurals Galaxies Galore™ heading out into deep
space we find galaxies…hundreds of billions of them…and
they come in many shapes and sizes. I paint them all…scaled
from large features as pictured here to smaller accents
added to other StarMurals. To learn more about the many
Galaxies Galore™ options, Click
StarMurals Nebula Neighborhood™ In Latin the word
nebula means cloud and that’s what deep space nebulae
are…clouds of gas and/or dust in interstellar space.
Nebulae are found in an infinite variety of shapes and
size…each one unique. If you would like to see some
of my favorite nebulae, Click
StarMurals Comets & Meteors™ These objects
have several shapes and intensities and I can scale
them to fit any situation, from major features to smaller
pieces. To see a variety of comets and meteors, Click
StarMurals Clusters Collection™ Clusters are
great…and so intensely dynamic. They come in generally
2 types…Globular and Open…and are made up
of groupings of stars that are closely associated with
each other, yet are not a galaxy. I especially like
globular clusters, like this one…millions of stars,
tightly grouped together. Of course these can all be
scaled to fit any StarMurals design plan. To see the
entire Clusters Collection™, Click